Abimilku ruler of Tyre writes to Pharaoh Akhenaten

Abimilku ruler of Tyre writes to Pharaoh Akhenaten

To the king, my Sun, my god, my gods: Message of Abi-Milku, your servant. I fall at the feet of the king, my lord, 7 times and 7 times. 4-11 I am the dirt under the sandals of the king, my lord. I am indeed guarding carefully the city of the king that he put in my charge. My intention has been to go to see the face of the king, my lord, but I have not been able, due to Zimredda of Sidon. 12-24 He heard that I was going to Egypt, and so he has waged war against me. May the king, my lord, give me 20 men to guard the city of the king, my lord, so I can enter before the king, my lord, to behold his gracious face. I have devoted myself to the service : u-bu-di of the ki{ing}, my lord. May the ki{ng}, my lord, ask his commissioner whether I have devoted myself to the king, my lord. 25-34 I herewith send my messenger t{o the kin}g, my lord, and may {the king}, my lord, send {his messenger and} his ta{bl}et t{o me}, so I may enter before the king, my lord. 35-48 May {the king, my lord}, not abandon his servant. May the king, my lord, give {his} attention and gi{ve} water for o{ur} drink and wood to his servant. The king, my lord, knows that we are situa{te}d on the sea; we have neither water nor wood. I herewith send Ilumilku as mesenger to the king, my lord, and I give 5 talents of bronze, ma<ll>ets, (and) 1 whip. 49-58 The king, my lord, wrote to me, “Write to me what you have heard in Canaan.” The king of Danuna died; his brother became king after his death, and his land is at peace. Fire destroyed the palace at Ugarit; (rather), it destroyed half of it and so hal<f> of it has disappeared. 59-70 There are no Hittite troops about. Etakkama, the prince of Qidshu, and Aziru are at war; the war is with Biryawaza. I have experienced the injustices of Zimredda, for he assembled troops and ships from the cities of Aziru against me. Is it good that a palace attendant of my lord should become frigh{tened}? All have become frightened. May the king give his attention to his servant and return : yu-sa (come forth).

Amarna Letter EA 151

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