Death of Tutankhamun began reign of Pharaoh Ay

Death of Tutankhamun began reign of Pharaoh Ay

In the 9th year of reign of Tutankhamun. Exact years of reign of Pharaoh Ay unknown beyond 990 BC.


“In relating the wars of his father Suppiluliuma I and his victories the Hittite king Mursili II mentions that after the death of the king of Egypt Tutankamon, Queen Dahamunzu (Ankhesenamun) asked his father to send a prince to become her husband and king from the country. When the inhabitants of Egypt heard about Amqa’s attack, they were afraid because to make matters worse their king Tutankhamun had just died, the widowed Queen of Egypt sent a message to my father saying the following: “My husband is dead and I do not have a son. It is said that you have many sons, if you sent one, he could be my husband. “When my father learned that he summoned the Great Council. He decided to send Hattu-Zili, the chamberlain, went to him saying I am sure of information “During the absence of Hattu-Zili in Egypt, my father conquered the city of Kargamis. The Egyptian envoy, the Honorable Hani, came to see him. The Queen sent her letter saying, “Why do you say do not deceive me that way? If I had a son would I write to a foreign country in such a humiliating way for me and my country? Give me one of your sons and he will be my husband and the king of Egypt. ” because my father had a good heart, he accepted the lady’s wish and decided to send his son”.

Rohl also has NC – 993 BC for the year Tutankhamun’s throne was seized by the aged vizier, and Master of Horse, Ay.

Rohl, David (1995). A Test of Time: The Bible – from Myth to History. London: Century. ISBN 978-0-7126-5913-0 p. 231

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