Ish-bosheth son of Saul crowed King of Israel

Ish-bosheth son of Saul crowed King of Israel

Mut-bablu = Ish-Bosheth writes to Pharaoh Smenkhkare

Say to Yanfyamu, my lord: Message of Mut-Bablu, your servant. I fall at
the feet of my lord. 4—10 How can it have been said in your presence, 1
“Mut-Ba[)lu has fled. He has hidden Ayyab’?*flow can the king of Piljilu
flee from the commissioner : sd-ki-ni of the king, his lord? 10-19 As
the king, my lord, lives, as the king, my lord, lives, I swear Ayyab is
not in Pijulu. In fact, he h[ps been in the fieild 1 for two months. Just ask
Ben-Elima**. Just ask Tadua***. 19-28 Just ask YiSuya**** whether, after he
{reJ^foc/bulum-Marduk, I went ro the aid of Astartu, when all the cities
of Garu had become hostile: Udumu, Aduru, Araru, MeSta, Magdalu,
yeni-anabi, Sarqu. ([Jayyunu, along with Yabiluma, has been cap¬
tured.)“> 29-35 Moreover, seeing that, after you sent me a tablet, I
wrote to him, before you arrive from your journey, he will surely have
arrived in Pifrilu. And I do obey [your] orders.

Amarna Letter EA 256

* [Biblical Joab = Yo (or Yah) is the father] The commander of the rebel Habiru forces (Hebrews) under King David.

** [Biblical Baanah] = son of Ana

*** Egyptian Twtw probably pronounced Dadu = Akkadian Dadiya, Daduilu, Dadusha, Dadanu = Heb. Dwd, later Dawid [Biblical David] = beloved of YHVH

**** Heb. Yishay = [Biblical Jesse] = Yah exists

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