Pharaoh of Thebes Sehertawy Intef I succeeds Mentuhotep I

Pharaoh of Thebes Sehertawy Intef I succeeds Mentuhotep I

Sehertawy Intef I was the first member of his Dynasty to assume a pharaonic title with the Horus name of Sehertawy variously rendered as “Maker of peace in the two lands”“He who has brought calm to the two Lands” and “Pacifier of the two lands”.[3][4][8] Intef’s parents are likely Mentuhotep I and Neferu I.[4]

By taking a Horus name with both crowns, Intef declared himself ruler of all Egypt.[4]However, his authority was contested by the other nomarchs of Egypt, chief among them being the 10th Dynasty rulers at Herakleopolis Magna who also laid claim to the title of pharaoh and their powerful ally Ankhtifi, nomarch of Hierakonpolis, and a faithful follower of the Herakleopolitan Dynasty.

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