Ramesses II Battle of Kadesh (Qadesh)

Ramesses II Battle of Kadesh (Qadesh)

Ramesses II attacked the Hittite Empire under Muwatalli II at the city of Kadesh on the Orontes River, just upstream of Lake Homs near the modern Lebanon–Syria border. Believed to have been the largest chariot battle ever fought.

Now then, his majesty had prepared his infantry, his chariotry, and the Sherden of his majesty’s capturing,…in the Year 5, 2nd month of the 3rd season, day 9, his majesty passed the fortress of Sile. [and entered Canaan] … His infantry went on the narrow passes as if on the highways of Egypt. Now after days had passed after this, then his majesty was in Ramses Meri-Amon, the town which is in the Valley of the Cedar.

His majesty proceeded northward. After his majesty reached the mountain range of Kadesh, then his majesty went forward . . . and he crossed the ford of the Orontes, with the first division of Amon (named) “He Gives Victory to User-maat-Re Setep-en-Re”. His majesty reached the town of Kadesh ….The division of Amon was on the march behind him; the division of Re was crossing the ford in a district south of the town of Shabtuna at the distance of one iter from the place where his majesty was; the division of Ptah was on the south of the town of Arnaim; the division of Set was marching on the road. His majesty had formed the first ranks of battle of all the leaders of his army, while they were [still] on the shore in the land of Amurru.

From the “Poem”

Year 5, 3rd month of the 3rd season, day 9, under the majesty of (Ramesses II)…The lord proceeded northward, and his majesty arrived at a vicinity south of the town of Shabtuna.

From the “Bulletin”

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