Salitius becomes 1st Hyksos foreign ruler of Avaris

Salitius becomes 1st Hyksos foreign ruler of Avaris

‘[Rulers of] Foreign Lands – 6: They made 10[8] years’

Royal Canon of Turin

Salitis is mainly known from a few passages of Flavius Josephus‘ work Contra Apionem; for these passages, Josephus claimed to have reported Manetho‘s original words. It seems that during the reign of an Egyptian pharaoh called Timaios or Tutimaios, an army of foreigners suddenly came from the Near East and took over the Nile Delta without a fight. After conquering Memphis and likely deposing Timaios, the invaders committed several atrocities such as destroying cities and temples and killing or capturing the native Egyptians.[1]:I:75–6 After that, they

“made one of their number, whose name was Salitis, king. He resided in Memphis and exacted tribute from both the upper and lower country, leaving fortresses in the most strategic places.”

— Flavius Josephus, Against Apion, I: 77.[1]

Salitis was determined to hold down his new conquests. For this reason he fortified the eastern borders, and sought a strategic position to establish an imposing stronghold from which he could dominate the independent-minded Upper Egyptians. Having found it in the city of Avaris on the east bank of the Bubastite branch of the Nile,[1]:I:77–8 Salitis

“established this city and rendered it extremely secure with walls, settling there a large body of armed troops – as many as 240,000 men – as a frontier guard. He used to go there in the summer, partly to hand out rations and distribute pay, and partly to train them carefully in military exercises, to frighten foreigners.”

— Flavius Josephus, Against Apion, I: 78–80[1]

Salitis died after 19 years of rule and his throne passed to another Asiatic called Bnon or Beon.

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